When you don’t follow your passion for too long

I am a highly goal-oriented individual, I cannot function properly without goals & an organized environment. The last two years were a complete chaos, whether it be my career or professional life, or it is my personal life. I became a workaholic, I worked for 10 – 12 hours a day, sometimes even at the weekends. I was running after the so-called success which money brings. But money can’t give you peace of mind. Or let me rephrase it, ‘Everything has a price!’.

I sold my free time and happiness for money. I was doing a distance Management Program at that time, along with my Fulltime Job. It was a packed schedule even at the weekends. I deprived myself of reading books, writing blogs, meeting up with friends and watching OTTs. Because I had to somehow manage my time for work & study. We all only have 24/7 hours in hand & not more than that. Somehow I deprived myself of genuine happiness.

I have been too hard on myself to become successful, have a promising career, have a Master’s degree etc. Did I ask myself what’s next? Will I become happy after getting the next promotion?

I received two promotions in the past two years, did it make me happy? Sadly, the answer is complicated. Financially my situation is far better now, but I am not doing the things I love. Every day I am sleeping till late, I am having nightmares, and my workload gives me anxiety. My whole eating & sleeping schedule got altered after my marriage. And now it is affecting my moods and hormones.

But my true happiness was writing blogs, it was editing videos for myself. My happiness grew when I wrote about travel blogs when I wrote book reviews. I was happy when I danced to the beats and never stopped till sweats were dropping on the floors. I was happy during my singing training sessions. Art & creativity brings out the best in me. That’s where I can be free.

But there are bills to pay, and foods to bring for the family. And for that, you have to work. So there is no permanent fix but temporary workarounds! I sound like a Software professional which I am by profession. And yes this job has no boundaries when it comes to time and deadlines.

Time management is required, limiting screentime & focusing on the things you love is the key. This is so easy to say, but this time I am struggling to do self-care, to pursue the things I love. But I must stay true to myself, I must follow my passion in my spare time.

Hope you find myself again in the blogs really soon.

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”
― Albert Einstein

For more updates, you can reach me on social networks:-

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itspoulomi/

Pinterest: http://in.pinterest.com/itspoulomi/

I’ll be sharing a new post soon.

With love,

Poulomi ❤

A long way to go!

Photo By : Canva

It has been almost a year since I last posted. A lot has happened and I had been preoccupied with kinds of stuff.

It is really amusing how life goes through hiccups, and every time you bounce back!

2021 was a year like that. But I am glad that mishaps happened, situations were messed up and I lost a dear one forever!

They say what doesn’t break you, only makes you stronger. True indeed.

Sometimes, patience is the only key. And later these become part of your experiences. Now I am glad for all those who rejected me, for all those opportunities that were never going to be mine.

And now things are completely changed, after one year. I am sitting and typing this and smiling. It was a ride full of tears and joy. A lot is going on in my life now. There is good news to share.

I want to get back to this habit of writing blogs frequently. As this is where I can be myself. This is my happy place. I want to start this on a weekly basis at first. Let’s begin another journey.

This time I don’t need to prove anything to anybody.

For more updates, you can reach me on social networks:-

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itspoulomi/

Pinterest: http://in.pinterest.com/itspoulomi/

I’ll be sharing a new post soon. Take care friends. Stay safe, stay indoors.

With love <3,


How’s been 2021 so far

Oh hello there!

Thanks for coming back, maybe I should start like that! It’s been really long since I started blogging. Due to other engagements, studies, full-time job, lockdown blogging took a break from me. Or, I took a break from my first passion, “Writing”.

Writing always has been my solace, the one solace where I can jot down all of my thoughts freely. Zero judgements, I can be myself. All of my imagination, my ideas found a home to stay. Nevertheless, it is hard to maintain consistency with anything in this world.

We know how the pandemic came, now the world is different. I don’t know about other countries, but we are still not allowed to travel. One thing, which I miss extremely is Travelling. I was a person who never used to stay at a place for more than a month. I was always going from one place to another, even it was just a short trip.

2020 & 2021 has disrupted my traveller spirit. My soul is still travelling, but the body is still imprisoned. The mind wants to see the unseen, touch the mountain and beaches, move freely like the breeze. But we must follow the restrictions.

For an introvert like me, it is always a hurdle to make friends. Although I don’t believe in making friends anymore. I believe we came across people in this lifetime for a reason. Some teach us lessons, some help us to grow and only a few stay with us.

We all are travellers, going towards our destinations!

2021 so far has been a hell of a hiccup. Sometimes life feels like only doing work from home, no social interaction, not meeting my friends. Yes, video call helps, but I prefer to meet someone in person. I want to cherish every moment while we are together. I do miss old times, the times before the pandemic.

When will this pandemic end? Will things ever go back to normal? Hope says, it will.

Don’t forget to comment and share your views. You can also suggest some topics to write about.

For more updates, you can reach me on social networks:-

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itspoulomi/

Pinterest: http://in.pinterest.com/itspoulomi/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/itspoulomi

I’ll be sharing a new post soon. Take care friends. Stay safe, stay indoors.

With love,

Poulomi ❤

Resilience is the only Key

How people treat you is a complete reflection of themselves. People are of different mental capabilities.

Some get matured by experiences, some learn from other people’s mistakes.

And some people pretend to play the victim part and never learns anything.

life is funny, here the stronger and honest persons are often called out as emotionless and indifferent. But no one ever tries to understand that a stronger person chooses to stay calm because arguing with the victim mindset will only drain away their time and space. It’s better to leave that dumb person alone, some people will only pretend to try and in the reality won’t try.

Action speaks louder than words…

Never listen to all that they say, they will promise to bring stars and moons etc. In reality, they don’t even know how to deal with a simple comment. Again this victim role-playing will be started.

Some rich kids think Money can buy them heaven. No dear, if your standard is like hell you will only get the hell in return. We don’t get what we want, we only get what we are. This is why a toxic group of people choose to stay together. And if you are outgrowing your surrounding, it is better to leave the place where you don’t belong.

Often in life, you will be misjudged by a single online post. And obviously, the people who don’t have the slightest idea about the person you are from within will comment something sarcastic or judgmental. People who are insecure with their personality tend to criticize others more. Because their minuscule ego is not enough capable to tolerate the truth.

We should admire rude and frank people more. Though they sound harsh, but they don’t try to manipulate you or sugarcoat your opinion. They will straight away say what they will feel genuinely.

Thank god, there are trustworthy and honest people alive on the planet, who tell you about your weaknesses and try to help you out. At least they don’t pretend to care, they actually take action. They even care without texting you or calling you. They don’t crave unnecessary attention because they know you’re not going anywhere.

In other words, people who trust you will be there for you no matter what happens. They won’t be insecure to get your attention. You don’t need to text them constantly, without even saying they will know what you feel. They won’t be judging you by a single online status you had given three weeks ago ( There are jobless/hopeless adults who are still thinking about your posts and statuses in real life because their own life is vague).

Everyone can’t be strong, it takes years of discipline and determination to be persistent. You cannot have growth overnight. This is a consistent journey. Weak-minded people will say there is no need to have growth because deep down they know they are incapable.

There is a very significant difference between a coward and a brave mind. And the difference is “Mindset”. One chooses to stay lazy and criticize. Others start to work on themselves. One keeps repeating the “Victim Mindset”. While the others follow their purpose. And there will be a time when it doesn’t matter what others say. Because you know what you are capable of, and you will achieve.

Money can buy most of the things, but money can’t buy you “Willpower”. And this willpower has changed the world, history knows it. Also, if you are Dumb, money can’t help you either, you’ll eventually lose it all. It is important to become educated about life.

The most resilient person is often the one who has the strong willpower to fight any storm. They know they will face it and learn from it. Everything happens for a reason. Every single experience will make you stronger and more mature.

There is a difference between resilience and dullness. Don’t get confused with it.

Let me know if you like it. You can also share your views on this.

For more updates, you can reach me on social networks:-

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itspoulomi/

Pinterest: http://in.pinterest.com/itspoulomi/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/itspoulomi

And follow my YouTube channel for Travel Vlogs and more: https://www.youtube.com/c/ExplorewithPoulomiDas

I’ll be sharing new post soon. Take care friends. Stay safe, stay indoors.

With love,

Poulomi ❤

Review: Think Like a Monk

The Book Cover

Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day by Jay Shetty

My rating: 4.5 of 5 star


Jay Shetty is famous worldwide for making wisdom go viral. We already know about his motivational videos on Youtube, the “On Purpose” podcast and lots more.
It was around 2017 when I first came across the videos made by Jay Shetty. At that time, I was living alone in a vast metropolitan like Mumbai.
Financially not stable at all, emotionally reckless. Always looking for ways to get external validations.
But those Youtube videos inspired me a lot. They changed my mindset and helped me to become a better version than I was before.
Jay has always spoken about finding your purpose, which is necessary for every human being. Otherwise, you’ll only get back to the rabbit hole of disappointments and addictions.

First Impression:

When I first heard about Jay’s Book, I was amazed at first. I knew this book will contain all his wisdom, the knowledge he gathered while serving as a Monk. This will have all the tools to get a sense of your purpose, to achieve a Monk Mindset.

Main Idea:

The idea of the book is to develop a Monk Mindset. There is difference between a Monkey Mindset and a Monk Mindset. There are different tools, ancient techniques to achieve this mindset.
Jay has mentioned three parts: Let Go, Grow & Give.
Letting go comprises of getting rid of negativity and fears.
Grow is associated with discovering “Dharma”.
As per the book, ” Living in your dharma is a certain route to fulfilment.”
Last but not least, the act of service is the highest purpose. Serve others unconditionally. You will get a sense of well being, you’ll be happy and motivated.


If you are looking for a new direction in life, if you are willing to change yourself; this is the book you need to read now.
Former Monk, Jay Shetty has gathered all the wisdom in this book. It will help you to look out for the root causes of your anxiety, and how to save yourself from the vicious rabbit hole of negativity.
Here the author focuses on Purpose, the causes of fear, detachment, relationships, service etc.
Someone who loves to dwell deeper in personal development will love this book.
Jay has also illustrated the different types of meditation. Why we all need meditation and how it enriches us as a human being, it is all in there.
I would recommend this book.
Just give yourself some time and read with patience. You will get a sense of fulfilment.

Let me know your views on this book, you can comment your opinions.

For more updates, you can reach me on social networks:-

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itspoulomi/

Pinterest: http://in.pinterest.com/itspoulomi/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/itspoulomi

I’ll be sharing new post soon. Take care friends. Stay safe, stay indoors.

With love,

Poulomi ❤

Diary 2020: What I learnt this year.

Everything changes with time. People change, they grow. Relationships change, they tumble. Nothing lasts forever.

We are nothing but a collection of atoms. Life is nothing but a collection of memories. We all are here for only a bounded period. Every passing moment is becoming part of a memory.

random thought by me 🙂

All these feels like a cliche! But it is part of our reality. A human being passes through multiple stages in life. From childhood to adulthood, the path is full of ups and downs. On the way, one will experience numerous emotions.
Throughout the lifetime, you’ll meet innumerable people. You’ll connect with a lot of them. But the definition of friendship changes with time.

We all have only a finite time here on earth. So why should we waste it by making friends?

I always used to ask this question to myself in childhood. Obviously, at that time I didn’t have many friends. This will sound funny but only a few are connected with me through social media. We usually don’t interact at all.
College was different for me, there I made a lot of new friends, my personality also developed. I became a sociable person. Though change is evident.

I moved outside of Bengal after getting a job, my location was Mumbai for two years. And the world was turned upside down. Part of me evolved, growth is supposed to happen when you step out of your comfort zone.
And when you realize, It’s already made a huge difference in your personality.
Out of the blue, a part of me realized that I was being unfollowed and ignored by friends.
At first, it started with Facebook, many of them unfollowed me. Then unfriended me. It’s not their fault completely! I didn’t manage to contact them while I was in Mumbai.
I came back to Kolkata. I was back home. Again life changed. It has been a roller coaster ride of emotions. At times, the change was extremely overwhelming.

And I could only write about it. As only blogging could make me feel calm.
Today I decided to document it. Because it has been a continuous process of being avoided.
I must admit, I have never been great with my relationships, let it be with any colleague or any classmate or any friends. My whole life is revolving around all those numerous fights I had with random friends. Most of the time in my life I’ve been a ‘Lone-wolf’.

There were moments when I sincerely tried to be a good friend, but most of the time I have failed miserably.

2020 has been a huge challenge for every living person on earth. There’s no doubt in that. But I want to thank 2020 for bringing clarity in my life. A lot of events took place, and I realized who was there for me. Seven months have passed, now hardly anyone asks me anything! No friend calls me or asks me if I am happy.
I was so determined to remove negative influences from my life that all that I’ve left in my life is only a single digit of people who are eager to talk to me.
They say when you grow you start to lose friends. I guess they never meant to stay anyway. It’s hard when you have a lot to share, a lot of things to tell. But you are ignored in return.
Anyways, I have always respected boundaries. If someone ignores or avoids you, you don’t disturb them anymore. That’s how you are going to keep everyone happy.

2020 is forcing me to progress and it will prepare me for the upcoming challenges. Three more months are left, let’s see what happens next.

Those tiny moments of joy

It’s been a while writing a blog post. Someone like me who is an ambivert, who is constantly looking for new inspirations, new interactions. These last seven months have been like a major transformation.
Someone who overthinks most of the time. It was tough for me to stop writing for a while. All of my emotions were bottled up. I felt imprisoned for quite some time. It’s not like I wasn’t breathing or eating a nourishing meal.

It was craving for the fresh air which was flowing outside, I missed watching the sunset while walking with a friend.
I missed all the little pleasures of life.

Like seeing the flowers blooming or the tea stall just outside of my office. The view lingers inside my mind.
All the seasons were passing one by one. All I could just do was to see from my window, most of the time I even missed the sunset because I was busy attending meetings.
It’s not that I am complaining, it’s just that I missed what mundane life was. The serene walks around the garden, the morning sun ray’s reaching for my skin. It’s all now a memory.

They say nothing is permanent in this world. I never realized it before, and then pandemic happened. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken those coffee chats for granted. Maybe, I could have visited my friends more often.

Hope it gets back to where it used to be. Life is made of all the sweet moments.

“Sing like no one’s listening, love like you’ve never been hurt, dance like nobody’s watching, and live like it’s heaven on earth.” 

Attributed to various sources

For more updates, you can reach me on social networks:-

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itspoulomi/

Pinterest: http://in.pinterest.com/itspoulomi/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/itspoulomi

And follow my YouTube channel for Travel Vlogs and more: https://www.youtube.com/c/ExplorewithPoulomiDas

I’ll be sharing new post soon. Take care friends. Stay safe, stay indoors.

With love,

Poulomi ❤

You & Me

Being a part,

in your art is one of my dreams.

Trying to fetch,

all those steps where you could be waiting for me.

I often scream in my dream,

and all I want is just to see your face.

Taking a break,

for that date when you’ll be with me.

I don’t know,

why did you go miles away from me?

But I’m still waiting,

while this heart’s beating ;

if it is still “You & Me”.

written on 5th Feb, 2016

After a long time, I was going through my old journals. And this poem just caught my eye. I have no idea, what I was thinking while writing this poem. Somehow, all the lines rhyme together pretty well. And it feels like a love poem. I was quite amused after finding this piece of art.

I must have always been undoubtedly fond of writing. Many of the writings are not even available to me now. Though this one was a complete surprise.

Poetry is not my style most of the times. I just wrote how I felt. Don’t forget to comment on your views on this one. I’ll really appreciate your response.

For more updates, you can reach me on social networks:-

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itspoulomi/

Pinterest: http://in.pinterest.com/itspoulomi/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/itspoulomi

And follow my YouTube channel for Travel Vlogs and more: https://www.youtube.com/c/ExplorewithPoulomiDas

I’ll be sharing new post soon. Take care friends. Stay safe, stay indoors.

With love,

Poulomi ❤

The Vault Of Vishnu: blending history, mystery & fiction altogether

The Book Cover

This was my first time reading Ashwin Sanghi book. I’ve heard a lot about the author earlier. The ‘Bharat Series’ is extremely popular among the readers. Fortunately, one of my friend; Debayan, recommended me this book.

I do have an obsession with mythology and historical books. ‘The Shiva Trilogy’ left quite of an impression on me. ‘The Vault of Vishnu’ has significant historical events mentioned in it. The author has blended history with fiction, and presented how much alluring Bio-engineering can be!

Ashwin Sanghi has researched intensively on ancient Indian history. The historical events and places are mentioned explicitly. As a history lover, anyone will fall in love with all the details. Indians can relate to the storyline in every step. The Indo-China border, the ancient silk route, how the export & import of goods occurred between them. One will surely relive the past here.

The story is full of information. At times, the reader won’t be able to put the book down. The storyline evolves with keenness and much depth. There are characters from around the world. There are characters of different shades. From the holy Buddhist Monk to the evil opportunist, everyone will be found.

This is kind of rare to witness even in books. What I really liked, is the protagonist is a woman. The protagonist Pam Khurana is portrayed as the determined & bold woman of present-day India. Her character has strength. And she will achieve what she wants, no matter what you throw on her way! Throughout the story, there was a desire to know who’s behind all these? What happens next?

The story revolves around the Chinese monk Xuanzang’s pilgrimage to India. Heartwarming, vivid narration is given about the path taken by Xuanzang during his long journey through the kingdoms of Tang Dynasty, The Great Khan Empire, The Pallavas etc. There are also events from present India & its current Geo-Political situations.

In brief, you’ll get to observe how ancient India has come this far. How our culture has evolved. And how our future will look like.

I would recommend every Indian to read this book. We can easily relate to the situations. And you won’t regret it. This book will be a great quarantine pass time for sure.

Feel free to add your words. Don’t forget to comment and share it. 

For more updates, you can reach me on social networks:-

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itspoulomi/

Pinterest: http://in.pinterest.com/itspoulomi/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/itspoulomi

And follow my YouTube channel for Travel Vlogs and more: https://www.youtube.com/c/ExplorewithPoulomiDas

I’ll be sharing new post soon. Take care friends. Stay safe, stay indoors.

With love,

Poulomi ❤

Growth seems to be ceaseless

Photo by Dominika Roseclay on Pexels.com

Now, these are the most uncertain time of our lives. We all never anticipated something like this to happen! We don’t know when it will be over. It has already been more than a month of my quarantine while I am writing this post.

We all had high hopes for 2020. We made goals and plans for the year ahead. Now the first quarter of the year is over, and most of the people in the world are now clueless. We have become victims of the circumstances.

We are forced to stay indoors, we are forced to work from home. The humankind is pushed through the edge, we have to change the normal lifestyle we have.

Everything normal feels unreal now. The unexpected has replaced the normal.

The daily routine is now changed. Every household is facing issues with this new set of daily chores. Let’s get to this easier example. Whenever you are looking at any social network, there are a lot of recipes, dalgona coffee, quarantine pics etc.

There is no certainty when this quarantine will be over. We can take a break from the hasty lifestyle now. We can sleep for proper hours and binge watch series. We can start reading the book which was not finished for long. We can stay indoors and be safe from the pandemic. There are endless options.

The choice is yours. You can invest the time by doing what you love. You can also submerge in frustration and dwell into depression during the quarantine. We become what we think. This is the time to become more mindful about the areas in life which were neglected for long. So when the pandemic is over, you’ll rise like a Pheonix. You’ll be changed, you’ll have growth. I know, this sounds corny. But this time can be implemented in many different ways.

Most of us are anxious now. It feels like the end of the world. Staying indoors can be extremely boring. But try to think from a different perspective. At some point, we all wanted to have a long weekend and do nothing. Now when this is happening, we don’t want that anymore.

Most of the people are so confused in their heads that they can’t even differentiate what’s right or wrong for them. I have seen people who are constantly confronting everyone around for a simple mistake. But in reality, that person is not flexible to consider someone else’s opinion. We all have some parts of ourselves which were never exposed. We are afraid to change. We are afraid to let go.

Someday you’ll know that it’s time for a change.

And what could be better timing to change some areas in your life? Change is not easy. You need a strong will to proceed further. From continuous change, there will be growth. And you must keep a flexible mindset, be willing to learn new things. Learning never ends.

Every person is different and we’ll have different pieces of stuff to focus on. Hope everyone will experience something significant from this quarantine and it will help us to become a better version of ourselves.

Feel free to add your words. Don’t forget to comment and share it. 

For more updates, you can reach me on social networks:-

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itspoulomi/

Pinterest: http://in.pinterest.com/itspoulomi/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/itspoulomi

And follow my YouTube channel for Travel Vlogs and more: https://www.youtube.com/c/ExplorewithPoulomiDas

I’ll be sharing new post soon. Take care friends. Stay safe, stay indoors.

With love, Poulomi ❤